About the Author
Nathan Cool is the Chief Forecaster for WetSand Inc., founder of the forecasting service WaveCast, an associate member of the American Meteorological Society, a professional member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a member of the National Weather Association. Recognized as a pioneer in the field of long-range marine, surf and wind forecasting, Nathan is well known as the author of the world's first comprehensive book on surf forecasting, The WetSand WaveCast Guide to Surf Forecasting. Nathan is also the author of the award-winning The Four Keys to Successful Design, the highly acclaimed Cherished Memories, Rhythm of the Ocean and his latest work, Is it Hot in Here?--The simple truth about global warming. A renowned innovator in long-range marine forecasting, Nathan has been featured in various periodicals including the Los Angeles Daily News, Associated Press, the Santa Cruz Sentinel, the Ventura County Star, and the Conejo Valley's Acorn. Since the mid 1990s, Nathan has been a regular guest on the Surf Talk Radio Network, which has had a listening audience in Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Louis Obispo, Santa Maria, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, and San Diego California counties and Hilo Hawaii, providing long-range seasonal forecasts. Nathan has published various articles on long range forecasting, including his latest State of the Surf Report. More information on Nathan can be found at his home page:www.NathanCool.com